Archery has been the part of human civilization since ages; in fact archery was extensively used in wars and for hunting. Ancient civilizations like Egyptian, Indian, Greek and Persian boasts of great archers. These archers are still remembered and revered. Bows and arrows are the main constituents of archery. Studies have shown that the bows were developed in either early Mesolithic age or late Paleolithic age. Pines were used for making arrows. Bows are an indispensable part of archery. It helps an archer in properly aiming at the target and shooting the arrow. If the bows are not proper then the archer will face difficulties in mounting the arrow. If the arrows are not properly mounted then the archer won’t be able to properly shoot the target. The archery bows commonly used are: longbow, shortbow, flatbow, recurve bow, crossbow and compound bow. Longbow as the name suggests is very long; the length of the bow is equal to the height of the user and in some cases even exceeds the ...