Make Archery Bows

By Lucy Bushman

Anyone who has decided that making an archery bow sounds like an interesting new hobby to them, who needs a bow to forage in the wild with or who may want to live out their childhood fantasies by pretending to be Robin Hood gallivanting through the forest, learning how to make archery bow may be a great project for you to undertake. Making a high quality archery bow takes some skill and practice, but the process of creating a bow and then using it can be very rewarding in the end. And, if your main purpose of making your own archery bow is to hunt game, then imagine taking a deer or other game down with it.

There are many different materials you can choose from when making an archery bow. For example, you can make it out of bamboo, yew or ash. Which material is used is totally up to you and whatever your preference is, although some woods tend to work better or worse than others. In this article, it will be yew wood that the archery bow is constructed out of. Lets take a look at some of the steps necessary to build your own archery bow. First, you need to gather all of the proper tools and all of your materials such as a sharp axe, sharp knife, some fairly rigid string and a piece of yew wood that has no imperfections and is nice and straight. Begin by carving your yew wood so it begins to take the shape a boomerang. Now, you need to wax the string (rawhide will work very well) you have in order to protect it when outdoors from the ever-changing elements.

You now need to make arrows to use with your archery bow. Remember that these arrows must properly fit your bow, have tips which have been fire hardened, and must be short enough in length to not break when coming into contact with a target or small game animals. But you can't possibly shoot anything without your bow being strung correctly, can you? In order to properly string your bow, you will need to carve 2 notches at each end of the bow, and then proceed to loop your string around both ends of it. This technique should have tightened the string enough to provide it with adequate power when attempting to shoot your arrows. However, if the string on your bow is stretchy or loose, it may not shoot very well at all. Another option is to create a nock and handle system for improved performance, if you want to.

There are other individuals who construct composite archery bows. You make archery bow like this by using a combination of materials as well as tons of glue to bond it all together nicely. Properly constructed composite archery bows are also many times better than bows comprised of wood alone. They are more powerful and more durable, although it takes more practice to learn how to use one efficiently.
Lucy Bushman is an accomplished niche website developer and author.
To learn more about archery, please visit Archery Basics for current articles and discussions.

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